Knoxville Audit Services

Knoxville Top Work Places


Preparation & Planning: LBMC的服务模式从详细的计划和商定的时间表开始,以确保满足最后期限和期望. LBMC承诺每月或每季度与客户会面.
Collaboration: LBMC审核团队与您合作,作为您自己内部资源的扩展, acting as not merely a service team, 而是作为你企业运营的顾问.
Responsiveness: As an extension of your internal resources, LBMC审计团队致力于提供及时、准确的解决方案,并能够快速调整以满足您的业务需求.

Employee Benefit Plan Audit Services

LBMC每年审核约300个员工福利计划, 我们是全国前1%的福利计划审计师. 明升体育app下载深入知识包括持续培训和年度CPE要求, 确保对最新的技术和财务要求有敏锐的理解. As a top 25 benefit plan auditor in the nation, 明升体育app下载经验使我们能够根据每个客户的需求和特点定制明升体育app下载审计方法.

Employee Benefit Plan Audit

Internal Audit

内部审计服务可用于整个公司的运营. 内部审计服务的主要目的是帮助识别和评估业务, 公司面临的财务和合规风险, 然后识别和评估内部控制以减轻这些风险. 内部审计服务包括过程和系统审查.

Internal Audit

Lease Accounting Services

新的租赁会计指南提供了一个机会,可以主动实施新的流程和政策,同时对公司的租赁人口进行盘点, 以便评估对未来财务报告的影响.

Services include data extraction, process mapping, internal controls, change management, software advisory, software readiness, financial impact modeling, 以及对债务契约计算的影响分析.

Lease Accounting

Service Organization Control (SOC Reports)

提供关键第三方外包服务的服务组织通常需要对他们所服务的客户负责. These organizations include claims processors, application service providers, benefits administrators, payroll companies, data centers, and many others. 系统和组织控制报告(SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3报告) 提供为服务组织开发的三种新的报告工具,以响应统一报告和审查的要求,扩大服务组织报告财务控制情况的能力, non-financial controls and, with SOC 3, 成为经过认证的可信系统服务组织.

SOC Reports

Transaction Advisory Services (Due Diligence)

明升体育app下载综合金融服务团队在协助企业和私募股权客户进行金融服务方面拥有数十年的经验, tax, structuring, reimbursement, billing and coding, information technology, 对M的买卖双方进行人力资源/福利尽职调查&A transactions. 明升体育app下载方法是灵活的,并根据每个客户的具体需求量身定制-创造一个长期的, 专业的合作关系通常会在交易结束后持续很长时间.

Transaction Advisory Services

Who is LBMC?

最初成立于1984年,是一家传统的会计师事务所, LBMC已成为田纳西州最大的专业服务解决方案提供商. Beyond our tax, audit and advisory services, we’ve become industry leaders in accounting and finance, human resources and recruiting, technology, risk and information security, procurement, and wealth advisory services for both businesses and individuals. 我们可以为您的所有业务需求提供一站式服务.


  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing service companies
  • Middle market companies
  • Private equity groups
  • Technology companies

Our History

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Learn about our history from two of our founders.

Knoxville is a great place to live and play.

Ranked #57 on Livability’s 2019 Top 100 Best Places to Live, Knoxville has easy access to major cities, 开车去大烟山也很方便,社区活动也很热闹. 体育爱好者会喜欢小联盟的田纳西烟鬼棒球队, the Knoxville Ice Bears professional hockey team, 女子轮滑德比队哈德诺克斯轮滑女孩和家 The University of Tennessee Volunteer football and basketball teams.

Knoxville CPA Firm - A Great Place to Work

Knoxville is a great place to work.

LBMC Knoxville团队位于现代化的工作空间中, 拥有充足的自然采光和先进的技术创新. 它位于田纳西州诺克斯维尔以西几英里处,诺克斯维尔是一个排名前150位的城市 Best Places for Business and Careers by Forbes magazine, as well as Best Places to Live by U.S. News.

有关在诺克斯维尔工作和生活的更多信息,请访问 Knoxville Chamber of Commerce and check out our LBMC careers.

What services are offered at the Knoxville office?

明升体育app下载诺克斯维尔团队在包括制造和分销在内的各种行业工作, construction, real estate, not-for-profit, and healthcare, just to name a few. We have CPAs and licensed professionals in tax, audit, business valuation, litigation support, healthcare consulting and compliance, risk services, human resources, recruiting and more. We can support all LBMC services in this office. See our services list for more information.

LBMC’s Team of Knoxville Auditors

Link to Bill Knoxville Audit

Bill Kelso

Shareholder, Audit and Advisory

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phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Marc Knoxville Audit

Marc Tolleson

Shareholder, Audit and Advisory

phone icon email icon Knoxville
phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Mark Knoxville Audit

Mark Waters

Shareholder, Audit and Advisory

phone icon email icon Knoxville
phone icon email icon Knoxville



2095 Lakeside Centre Way
Suite 220
Knoxville, TN 37922

Mailing Address:
2095 Lakeside Centre Way
Knoxville, TN 37922

Phone: 865-691-9000

Office Hours: 8 am – 5 pm EST, Monday-Friday
